Chicago Skyline

IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2014

14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing

May 26-29, 2014 -- Chicago, IL, USA

Student Travel Grant Awardees Program

Student Travel Grant Awardees Meet-and-Greet Session
May 26 (Monday) 18:00-19:30

This session is a closed-session for student travel grant awardees and student volunteers only. This two-hour session intends to let student travel grant awardees and student volunteers to meet and get to know each other and encourage them interact with each other throughout the rest of the conference. It is an informal gathering session, including greetings from the conference chairs and an opportunity to interact with conference chairs.

Student Travel Grant Awardees Round-Table Session
May 29 (Thursday) 10:30-12:00

This session is a closed-session for student travel grant awardees and student volunteers only. This 90-minute session intends to offer student travel grant awardees and student volunteers an opportunity to interact with invited well-established professors/scientists in the field and learn from their successful career. This session will start from a brief introduction from invited professors/scientists, and followed with a close interaction between students and professors/scientists.