Honorary General Chair
Daniel A. Reed, University of Iowa, USA
General Chairs
Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Ian T. Foster, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Program Committee Chairs
Kirk W. Cameron, Virginia Tech, USA
Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Queen's University of Belfast, UK
Program Committee Area Chairs
Esmond G. Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster, UK
Xiaobo Zhou, University of Colorado, USA
Ali R. Butt, Virginia Tech, USA
Xiaosong Ma, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar; North Carolina State University, USA
David Lowenthal, University of Arizona, USA
Kasidit Chanchio, Thammasat University, Thailand
Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Matthew Grove, Rackspace, USA
Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK
Dan Feng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Workshops Co-Chairs
Zhiling Lan, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Matei Ripeanu, University of British Columbia, Canada
Tutorials Co-Chairs
Kate Keahey, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Doctoral Symposium Chair
Judy Qiu, Indiana University, USA
Poster and Research Demo Chairs
Borja Sotomayor, University of Chicago, USA
Hui Jin, Oracle, USA
SCALE Challenge Coordinator
Doug Thain, Notre Dame, USA
Student Award Chair
Yong Chen, Texas Tech University, USA
Publicity Chairs
Bruno Schulze, LNCC, Brazil
Cho-Li Wang, The University of Hong Kong, China
Darren J. Kerbyson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Toni Cortes UPC/BSC, Spain
Cyber Co-Chairs
Rong Ge, Marquette University, USA
Wei Tang, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Proceedings Chair
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Local Organizing Committee
Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Kyle Chard, University of Chicago, USA
Finance Chairs
Dawn DeBartolo, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Steering Committee
Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia (Chair)
Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation, USA (Co-Chair)
Henri Bal, Vrije University, The Netherlands
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Franck Capello, University of Paris-Sud, France
Ewa Deelman, University of Southern California/ISI, USA
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee & ORNL, USA
Dick Epema, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands
Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Ian Foster, University of Chicago, USA
Wolfgang Gentzsch, DEISA, Germany
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, France
Geng Lin, Dell Inc., USA
Manish Parashar, Rutgers: The State University of New Jersey, USA
Shikharesh Majumdar, Carleton University, Canada
Satoshi Matsuoaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Paul Roe, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Bruno Schulze, LNCC, Brazil
Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Nalini Venkatasubramanian, University of California, USA
Carlos Varela, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Technical Program Committee
- Hasan Metin Aktulga, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Bill Barth, The University of Texas at Austin
- Costas Bekas, IBM Research - Zurich
- Sanjukta Bhowmick, University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Houston
- Yifeng Chen, Peking University
- Olivier Coulaud, INRIA
- Alfredo Cuzzocrea, ICAR-CNR and University of Calabria
- Frederic Desprez, INRIA
- Daniel Martin, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Kengo Nakajima, The University of Tokyo
- Hai Ah Nam, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara
- Judy Qiu, Indiana University
- Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University
- Gerhard Wellein, Erlangen Regional Computing Center
- Rio Yokota, KAUST
- Rui Zhang, IBM Research - Almaden
- Yunquan Zhang, Institute of Software, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
Michela Becchi, University of Missouri
Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Srihari Cadambi, NEC Labs America Inc.
Wenguang Chen, Tsinghua University
Cong Du, Arista Networks
Natalie Enright Jerger, University of Toronto
Michael Ferdman, Stony Brook University
Dong Li, Oak Rdige National Lab
Sonia Lopez, Rochester Institute of Technology
Kamesh Madduri, Pennsylvania State University
Jiayuan Meng, Argonne National Lab
Ahmad Samih, Intel Corporation
Vinod Tipparaju, AMD
Didem Unat, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sathish Vadhiyar, Indian Institute of Science – Bangalore
Abhinav Vishnu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Yili Zheng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino
Francoise Baude, Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Alexander Bolotov, University of Westminster
Marian Bubak, AGH Krakow PL and University of Amsterdam
Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota
Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
Yuan Chen, HP Labs
Marco Danelutto, University of Pisa
Xiaoning Ding, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Jose Fortes, University of Florida
Paraskevi Fragopoulou, FORTH-ICS
Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster
Sergei Gorlatch, University of Muenster
Palden Lama, University of Texas at San Antonio
Zhiqiang Lin, University of Texas at Dallas
Cristian Lumezanu, NEC Laboratories
Ningfang Mi, Northeastern University
Christine Morin, INRIA
Jia Rao, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Ian Taylor, Cardiff University and Louisiana State University
Thomas Weigold, IBM Research
Timothy Wood, George Washington University
Weikuan Yu, Auburn University
Ming Zhao, Florida International University
Xiaobo Zhou, University of Colorado
Gagan Agrawal, Ohio State University
Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo
Ali R. Butt, Virginia Tech
Claris Castillo, Renaissance Computing Institute
Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University
Dick Epema, Delft University of Technology
Renato Figueiredo, University of Florida
Geoffrey C. Fox, Indiana University
Chuntao Hong, Microsoft Research
Howie Huang, George Washington University
Dejun Jiang, Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences
Peter Kilpatrick, Queen's University Belfast
Jong Kim, HPC Lab
Youngjae Kim, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Eren Kursun, JPMorgan Chase
Shan Lu, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Xiaosong Ma, Qatar Computing Research Institute; North Carolina State University
Kostas Magoutis, ICS-FORTH
Gaurav Makkar, NetApp
M. Mustafa Rafique, IBM Research
Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology
Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Kai Sachs, SAP AG
Prasenjit Sarkar, IBM
Radu Sion, Stony Brook University
Yang Song, IBM
Osamu Tatebe, University of Tsukuba
Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame
Devesh Tiwari, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dimitrios Tsoumakos, Ionian University
Guanying Wang, Google
Jon Weissman, University of Minnesota
Gianluigi Zanetti, CRS4
Jianfeng Zhan, Institute of Computing Technology - Chinese Academy of Sciences
Rui Zhang, IBM Research
Zhe Zhang, IBM Research
Sadaf Alam, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Dorian Arnold, University of New Mexico
Frank Bellosa, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Laura Carrington, San Diego Supercomputing Center
Peter Dinda, Northwestern University
Todd Gamblin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Rong Ge, Marquette University
Judit Gimenez, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
John Hartman, University of Arizona
Lizy John, University of Texas at Austin
Karen L. Karavanic, Portland State University
Darren Kerbyson, Pacific Northwest National Lab
James Laros, Sandia National Labs
David Lowenthal, University of Arizona
Naoya Maruyama, RIKEN AICS
Wolfgang E. Nagel, ZIH, TU Dresden
Vignesh Ravi, AMD
Barry Rountree, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sameer Shende, University of Oregon
Valerie Taylor, Texas A&M University
Hans Vandierendonck, Queen's University Belfast
Ana Varbanescu, University of Amsterdam
Yonghong Yan, University of Houston
Xin Yuan, Flroida State University
Vassil Alexandrov, BSC
Christos Antonopoulos, University of Thessaly
Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
David E. Bernholdt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Filip Blagojevic, Hitachi Research
George Bosilca, University of Tennessee
Patrick Bridges, University of New Mexico
Greg Bronevetsky, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Franck Cappello, INRIA and University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Kasidit Chanchio, Thammasat University
Zizhong Chen, University of California at Riverside
Andrew Chien, University of Chicago
Nathan Debardeleben, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Kurt Ferreira, Sandia National Laboratories
Ada Gavrilovska, Georgia Institute of Technology
Cecile Germain, LRI
Michael Gerndt, Technische Universität München
William Gropp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit
Bettina Krammer, Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)
Dieter Kranzlmüller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Hatem Ltaief, KAUST
Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Celso Mendes, University of Illinois
Kathryn Mohror, LLNL
Frank Mueller, NCSU
Wolfgang E. Nagel, ZIH, TU Dresden
Bogdan Nicolae, IBM Research (Ireland)
Dhabaleswar Panda, Ohio State University
Prapaporn Rattanatamrong, Thammasat University
Alexander Reinefeld, Zuse Institute Berlin
Rolf Riesen, IBM Research
Scott Schneider, IBM Research
Martin Schulz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Stephen Scott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Shuaiwen Leon Song, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Wei Tang, Argonne National Laboratory
Michela Taufer, University of Delaware
Putchong Uthayopas, Kasetsart University
Felix Wolf, German Research School for Simulation Sciences
Carl Albing, Cray Inc. and University of Reading
Henri Bal, Vrije Universiteit
Anne Benoit, ENS Lyon - LIP
Luiz F. Bittencourt, University of Campinas
Richard Boakes, University of Portsmouth
Ivona Brandic, TU Wien
Julita Corbalan, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Ewa Deelman, USC Information Sciences Institute -
Erik Elmroth, Umeå University
Thomas Fahringer, University of Innsbruck
Matthew Grove, Rackspace
Alexandru Iosup, Delft University of Technology
Emmanuel Jeannot, Inria
Gideon Juve, USC Information Sciences Institute
Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Alexey Lastovetsky, University College Dublin
Charles Lively, DeVry University
Maciej Malawski, AGH
Nandini Mukherjee, Jadavpur University
Jarek Nabrzyski, University of Notre Dame
Thomas Naughton, ORNL
George Pallis, University of Cyprus
Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester
Uwe Schwiegelshohn, TU Dortmund University
Domenico Talia, University of Calabria
Matthew E. Tolentino, Intel Corporation
Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology
Kurt Vanmechelen, University of Antwerp
Carlos A. Varela, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Vladimir Vlassov, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Ramin Yahyapour, University of Göttingen
Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer Institute SCAI
Andre Brinkmann, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Toni Cortes, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Yafei Dai, Peking University
Dan Feng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Chris Gniady, University of Arizona
Xubin He, Virginia Commonwealth University
Yu Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Hong Jiang, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Xiao Qin, Auburn University
Josef Spillner
Fang Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Chunxiao Xing, Tsinghua University
Zhenquan Xu, Wuhan University
Lu Xu, Institute of Computing Technology - Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yinliang Yue
Zhao Zhang, Iowa State University
Yifeng Zhu, University of Maine
Zhichun Zhu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Biographies of General Chairs:
Xian-He Sun is a professor of Computer Science and
the Chairman of the Department of Computer Science at the
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He received his BS in
Mathematics in 1982 from Beijing Normal University, P.R. China,
and completed his MS in Mathematics, MS and Ph.D. in Computer
Science in 1985, 1987, and 1990, respectively, all from Michigan
State University. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Ames
National Laboratory, a staff scientist at the ICASE, NASA
Langley Research Center, an ASEE fellow at the US Navy Research
Laboratories, and was an associate professor and the founding
director of the Scalable Computing Software laboratory in the
Department of Computer Science, Louisiana State University
before he joined the Computer Science Department, IIT in August
1999. Currently he is a professor at IIT, a guest faculty in the
Mathematics and Computer Science Division at the Argonne
National Laboratory, a visiting scientist at the Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory, and the director of the Scalable
Computing Software laboratory at IIT. His research interests
include parallel and distributed processing, system software,
performance evaluation, and high end computing. Dr. Sun has
published close to two hundred research articles in the field of
computer science and communication, has three US patents and one
China patent, and his research is supported by NSF, and other US
government agencies. His research in mobility of legacy code is
one of the first nine projects supported by the National Science
Foundation under the Middleware Initiative program. His PDD and
PPT algorithms have been included in IBM's Parallel Engineering
and Scientific Software Library (PESSL) and other commercial and
research software packages as a community standard. His
memory-bounded (the so-called Sun-Ni's law) and memory access
delay performance model are introduced in many modern textbooks
as a must known in performance evaluation of scalable computing
systems. Chicago Sun-Times called his work in cross-network
service as turning "POTS (plain Old Telephone service) into PANS
(Pretty Amazing New Stuff), moving (landline) phone into the
internet loop" (May 12, 2003). His current research includes the
development of the Data Access Server system for high
performance machines, and the development of the Fault awareness
ENabled Computing Environment (FENCE) for high end computing.
His group received the ACM/IEEE HPC award and the NSF V-Tech HEC
Challenge award in 2008, 2007 and 2006 for its contribution in
the Data Access Server project and the FENCE project,
Dr. Sun is an editor of six international professional journals,
including the flagship journals in parallel and distributed
processing: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems and Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. He
has served and is serving as the chairman or a member of program
committee for numerous international conferences and workshops,
and served and is serving on several boards and committees of
government agencies and private foundations for research
Ian T. Foster is Director of the Computation
Institute, a joint institute of the University of Chicago and
Argonne National Laboratory. He is also an Argonne Senior
Scientist and Distinguished Fellow, and the Arthur Holly Compton
Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science at
University of Chicago. He is also involved with both the Open
Grid Forum and with the Globus Alliance as an open source
strategist. In 2006, he was appointed director of the
Computation Institute, a joint project between the University of
Chicago, and Argonne. An earlier project, Strand, received the
British Computer Society Award for technical innovation. His
research resulted in the development of techniques, tools and
algorithms for high-performance distributed computing and
parallel computing. As a result he is denoted as "the father of
the Grid". Foster led research and development of software for
the I-WAY wide-area distributed computing experiment, which
connected supercomputers, databases and other high-end resources
at 17 sites across North America in 1995. His own labs, the
Distributed Systems Laboratory is the nexus of the
multi-institute Globus Project, a research and development
effort that encourages collaborative computing by providing
advances necessary for engineering, business and other fields.
Furthermore the Computation Institute addresses many of the most
challenging computational and communications problems facing
Grid implementations today. In 2004, he founded Univa
Corporation, which was merged with United Devices in 2007 and
operate under the name Univa UD. Foster's honors include the
Lovelace Medal of the British Computer Society, the Gordon Bell
Prize for high-performance computing (2001), as well as others.
He was elected Fellow of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science in 2003. Dr. Foster also serves as PI or
Co-PI on projects connected to the DOE global change program,
the National Computational Science Alliance, the NASA
Information Power Grid project, the NSF Grid Physics Network,
GRIDS Center, and International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory
projects, and other DOE and NSF programs. His research is
supported by DOE, NSF, NASA, Microsoft, and IBM.
The Host Institutions
Computer Science Department, Illinois Institute of Technology
IIT has a long history of innovation and education that enabled our faculties and graduates to develop breakthrough technologies. A few names of IIT faculties and alumni in the field of computer sciences are: Marvin Camras (inventor of magnetic recording), Herbert Simon (funder of CMU CS program), Martin Cooper (father of cell phone), Victor Tsao (CS80, Funder of Linksys), Abdur Chowdhure (CS01, Chief Scientist, Twitter), as well as Jack Dongarra (CS73, who you know). The computer science department offers Ph.D. MS. and BS in computer science and currently has more than four hundred graduate students and more than two hundred undergraduate students. The Computer Science Department has close ties with industries, government agencies, and local national research laboratories, such as Argonne and Fermi national laboratories. Its advisory board member includes the CTO of CIA, CIO of Boeing, CTO of Northern Trust, CTO of Orbitz, etc. The department has a strong group in HPC, Cloud, and distributed computing.
Dr. Xian-He Sun have hosted several relevant workshops over the past years, including the IIT-IBM Cloud Computing in Academia workshop in 2010, the DISC 2012 workshop (co-located with IEEE/ACM Supercomputing), and the APART 2006 workshop series (co-located with IEEE/ACM Supercomputing).
Computation Institute, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago
Founded in 2000 as a joint institute between Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the University of Chicago (UC), the CI’s core mission is to advance science through innovative computational approaches. Currently led by Ian Foster, the Institute continues to build on its outstanding reputation as both an intellectual nexus and resource center for those building and applying advanced computational platforms for the sciences, biomedicine, arts, and humanities.
The Institute involves some 200 fellows and staff and is home to projects such as the Center for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy, two DOE Exascale Co-design Centers, the Globus middleware project, the TeraGrid’s Grid Integration Group, the University of Chicago’s Initiative for Biomedical Informatics, and the Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL)—among many others. Other major eScience projects with strong CI and/or ChicagoLand presence include Open Science Grid, cancer Biology Informatics Grid, the Biomedical Informatics Research Network, and the SEED and MG-RAST computational biology services. The Institute also operates substantial computing resources, including Beagle, a 150 Teraflop/sec Cray XE6 for biomedical research, and PADS, a petabye-scale online storage server.
Dr. Ian Foster has hosted several relevant conferences and
workshops over the past years, including GlobusWORLD 2003-2011
Conference, the CCA 2008/2009/2011 Symposium, the eScience 2012
Conference, the ACM ScienceCloud 2010/2011 workshop (co-located
with ACM HPDC), and the IEEE/ACM MTAGS 2008/2009/2010/2011/2012
workshop (co-located with IEEE/ACM Supercomputing).