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5th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud) 2014
Co-located with ACM HPDC 2014Vancouver, Canada -- June 23rd, 2014
Workshop Program
- Room: Point Grey (3rd floor)
- Date: Monday -- June 23rd, 2014
- Time: 8:45AM - 4:45PM
The workshop features a keynote talk by Dr. Manish Parashar (Rutgers), and 8 papers with oral presentations. For more information on the keynote, click here. For a PDF version of this program, click here. If you are attending the workshop, please sign up for the free online registration so that we can keep track of the attendees information. Due to the agreement we have with the publisher, we have to password protect the workshop papers; if you are the workshop and want to access the password protected papers, please email Ioan Raicu at for the password.
8:45AM: Opening Remarks
9:00AM: Session 1 (Applications) 10:30AM: Break 11:00AM: Session 2
(Technology and Infrastructure)
Ioan Raicu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Kyle Chard (University of Chicago)
Kate Keahey (Argonne National Laboratory / University of Chicago)
Session Chair: Daniel S. Katz (Univerity
of Chicago / Argonne / NSF)
- "Science in the Cloud: Lessons from Three Years
of Research Projects on Windows Azure", Dennis
Gannon, Dan Fay, Daron Green, Wenming Ye, Kenji Takeda; slides
- "Cloud Computing Data Capsules for
Non-Consumptive Use of Texts", Jiaan Zeng,
Guangchen Ruan, Alexander Crowell, Atul Prakash, Beth Plale
(Best Paper Nominee);
- "A Cloud Computing Approach to On-Demand and
Scalable CyberGIS Analytics", Pierre Riteau,
Myunghwa Hwang, Anand Padmanabhan, Yizhao Gao, Yan Liu, Kate
Keahey, Shaowen Wang;
- "Mux-Kmeans: Multiplex Kmeans for Clustering
Large-scale Data Set", Chen Li, Yanfeng Zhang,
Minghai Jiao, Ge Yu;
- "Evaluating Storage Systems for Scientific Data
in the Cloud", Ketan Maheshwari, Justin Wozniak,
Hao Yang, Daniel S. Katz, Matei Ripeanu, Victor Zavala, Michael
Wilde(Best Paper Award);
- "HEP Computing in a Context-Aware Cloud
Environment", Frank Berghaus, Andre Charbonneau,
Ron Desmarais, Ian Gable, Colin Leavett-Brown, Michael Paterson,
Randall J. Sobie, Ryan Taylor;
12:30PM: Lunch (on your own)
Keynote -- Manish Parashar,
- Software Defined Federated Infrastructures for Science
3:00PM: Break
3:30PM: Session 3
(Scaling and Deployment)
- "Auto-Scaling of Virtual Resources for Scientific Workflows on Hybrid Clouds", Younsun Ahn, Yoonhee Kim; slides
- "A Distributed Architecture for Intra- and Inter- Cloud Data Management", Ian Kelley; slides
4:30PM: Closing Remarks
- Best Paper Award: "Evaluating Storage Systems for Scientific Data
in the Cloud"
Software Defined Federated Infrastructures for Science
Abstract: Software-defined platforms such as those enabled by Cloud services are widely adopted by enterprises. Clouds provide on-demand access to computing utilities, an abstraction of unlimited computing resources, and support for on-demand scale up, scale down and scale out. Clouds are also rapidly joining high-performance computing system, clusters and Grids as viable platforms for scientific exploration and discovery. In this talk I will explore how elastic software-defined execution infrastructure based on the dynamic federation of resources can support emerging scientific and engineering application workflows with complex, dynamic, and data and compute intensive requirements. I will also explore how science and engineering applications can benefit from such infrastructure and abstractions and how they can lead to new paradigms and practices. This talk is based on research that is part of the CometCloud project at the NSF Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center at Rutgers.
AAAS Fellow
IEEE Fellow
Professor I, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Director, Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute (RDI2)
Co-Director, NSF Cloud & Autonomic Computing Center (CAC) --University of Florida , University of Arizona & Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Associate Director, Rutgers Center for Information Assurance
Director, The Applied Software Systems Laboratory (TASSL) Department of Electrical and computer Engineering Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Biography: Manish Parashar is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers University. He is the founding Director of the Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute (RDI2) and site Co-Director of the NSF Cloud and Autonomic Computing Center (CAC). His research interests are in the broad areas of Parallel and Distributed Computing and Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering. Manish serves on the editorial boards and organizing committees of a large number of journals and international conferences and workshops, and has deployed several software systems that are widely used. He has also received a number of awards and is Fellow of AAAS, Fellow of IEEE/IEEE Computer Society and Senior Member of ACM. For more information please visit