CiteSearcher Details
CiteSearcher is a Google Scholar frontend for iOS and Android mobile devices. With it, you can easily search Google Scholar for an author's work, his/her Hirsch index (H-index), and G-Index. The index h is “defined as the number of papers with citation number ≥h”, and is often used “as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher” [J. E. Hirsch 2005]. For the G-Index, given a set of articles ranked in decreasing order of the number of citations that they received, the g-index is the (unique) largest number such that the top g articles received (together) at least g^2 citations. | |
This is an example of a search result. It shows the name searched, the h-Index of that author, and how many results were used to calculate the index. The rest is a table of the results showing the title and the number of citations. | |
Once an article is selected from the list, the user will s a display with information about the article such as the title, authors, and links to web and pdf versions of the article. | |
Selecting the PDF link switches the view of the available PDF file. | |
For information about the application, just press the i button in the top left corner of the application. | |
If there are results that you wish to be omitted, they can be removed by using the delete results function to select the articles to be delete and upon deletion the h-Index will be updated. | |
Or touch the Author Info option to show information about the queried author. |
by Kevin Brandstatter, Illinois Institute of Technology, in the DataSys
Send questions or comments to Kevin
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