DataSys: Data-Intensive Distributed Systems LaboratoryData-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory

Illinois Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science

CiteSearcher Details

CiteSearcher is a Google Scholar frontend for iOS and Android mobile devices. With it, you can easily search Google Scholar for an author's work, his/her Hirsch index (H-index), and G-Index. The index h is “defined as the number of papers with citation number ≥h”, and is often used “as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher” [J. E. Hirsch 2005]. For the G-Index, given a set of articles ranked in decreasing order of the number of citations that they received, the g-index is the (unique) largest number such that the top g articles received (together) at least g^2 citations. info%20screen.png
This is an example of a search result. It shows the name searched, the h-Index of that author, and how many results were used to calculate the index. The rest is a table of the results showing the title and the number of citations. search%20results.png
Once an article is selected from the list, the user will s a display with information about the article such as the title, authors, and links to web and pdf versions of the article. article%20view.png
Selecting the PDF link switches the view of the available PDF file. pdf%20view.png
For information about the application, just press the i button in the top left corner of the application. basic%20screen.png
If there are results that you wish to be omitted, they can be removed by using the delete results function to select the articles to be delete and upon deletion the h-Index will be updated. menu%20view.png
Or touch the Author Info option to show information about the queried author. author%20view.png


Created by Kevin Brandstatter, Illinois Institute of Technology, in the DataSys Laboratory.
Send questions or comments to Kevin Brandstatter.
Report bugs here