DataSys: Data-Intensive Distributed Systems LaboratoryData-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory

Illinois Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science

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BigDataX: From theory to practice in Big Data computing at eXtreme scales

This award aims to establish a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site named BigDataX, which will focus on undergraduate research in both theory and practice of big data computing at extreme scales. The primary objective of this award is to promote a data-centric view of scientific and technical computing, at the intersection of distributed systems theory and practice. This award aims has four mentors at the Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Chicago, with a variety of complementing expertise from theory to programming languages to distributed systems. This work includes a comprehensive educational plan integrating ten undergraduate students with senior PhD students with incremental manageable goals, aimed at allowing undergraduate students to achieve publishable results within the ten week summer program. The group maintains a public social network presence through a LinkedIn group at For REU BigDataX program highlights from prior years, see the BigDataX Overview. You will find the official 2025 announcement online.

Apply to the 2025 Summer REU BigData Program online (deadline March 4thMarch 7th, 2025).

BigDataX Program Highlights

The BigDataX program will host 10 students spending 10 weeks each summer doing research in one of two interdisciplinary laboratories: 1) the DataSys Lab in CS at IIT (5 students) or 2) the Globus Labs Group in CS at UChicago (5 students). The two labs physically close (4 miles apart), and students will have weekly activities that place all students in a single lab to strengthen the cohort experience. The PIs will aim to recruit most of the students from outside of the host institutions, focusing on recruiting students from institutions without research opportunities as well as women and minorities.

Each 10-week program will begin in the 3rd or 4th week of May aiming to end the program by the end of July or early August. Students will be encouraged to work in teams of two to help reinforce the positive aspects of teamwork, and each team will be assigned both a graduate student and faculty mentor. The BigDataX program will emphasize collaborative research teams in which graduate students are formally involved in the mentoring activities of the REU students. Each REU student will be involved in conducting research as part of a larger group, presenting research results to the entire BigDataX group, and as well as other audiences such as the DataSys lab and Globus Labs. The students will learn to both read research papers, and to write up their research work and results in the format of a conference/journal article. The significant collaboration between the mentors over the past eight years coupled with advanced graduate students working with the mentors at both institutions, will enable REU students to become productive faster on more complex research problems than is typically possible in such a short timeframe. The mentors will work with the students during the summer, and continue working on refining the research output towards publishing the students’ summer work. The mentors will also help students prepare for presentations, and help them with the application process to graduate schools. Students will also be encouraged to continue their work at their respective institutions as part of an undergraduate thesis.

Pictures over the years

Below is Jordan Pettyjohn (REU 2024 student) who won 1st place in the ACM Undergraduate Student Research Competition at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2024 conference for their work "Mind Your Manners: Detoxifying Language Models via Attention Head Intervention".

SC24 awards

Below are 11 REU students along with 3 faculty mentors and 2 PhD student mentors attending the IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2024 conference to present their summer research.

BigDataX @ SC24

Below is Jamison Kerney (REU 2023 students) who won 3rd place in the ACM Undergraduate Student Research Competition at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2023 conference for their work "Supercharging Scientific Serverless: Slashing Cold Starts with Python UniKernels".

SC23 awards

Below are 6 REU students along with 5 mentors attending the IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2023 conference to present their summer research.

BigDataX @ SC23

Below is Kathryn Leung (REU 2019 students) who won 2nd place in the ACM Undergraduate Student Research Competition at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2019 conference for their work "Walking the cost-accuracy tightrope: balancing trade-offs in data-intensive genomics".

SC19 awards

Below is Luann Jung & Brendan Whitaker (REU 2018 students) won 1st place in the ACM Undergraduate Student Research Competition at IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2018 conference. See the news article for more information.

SC18 awards

Below are REU and DataSys students at the IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2018 conference in Dallas Texas in November 2018.

REU BigDataX 2018 

Below is BigDataX REU 2017 Site along with the MEDIX REU 2017 Site at the summer picnic in July 2017.

REU BigDataX 2017 

Below is Blue Keleher and Emily Herron (REU 2017 students) won 2nd and 3rd place respectively in the ACM Undergraduate Student Research Competition at IEEE/ACM SC 2017 conference.

SC17 awards

Below is BigDataX REU 2016 Site along with the MEDIX REU 2016 Site visiting Argonne National Laboratory in June 2016.

REU BigDataX 2016 

Below are REU and DataSys students at the IEEE/ACM Supercomputing/SC 2016 conference in Salt Lake City Utah in November 2016.

SC16 students

Below is William Agnew (REU 2016 student) receiving the ACM Undergraduate Student Research Award at the IEEE/ACM SC 2016 conference.

SC16 awards

Below is BigDataX REU 2015 Site along with the MEDIX REU 2015 Site visiting Argonne National Laboratory in July 2015. 

BigDataX REU 2015 Group Visiting Argonne National Laboratory


Award: $404K, 07/2022 - 07/2025:

  • NSF award 2150500
  • NSF award 2150501
  • Award: $370K, 03/2018 - 02/2021:

  • NSF award 1757964
  • NSF award 1757970
  • Award: $288K, 03/2015 - 02/2018

  • NSF award 1461260
  • Funding Period: 2015 - 2025
